1 Scam Reports

Sextortion Scam


MALE JACKING OFF~MASTURBATION~EJACULATION~WEBCAM EXTORTION ATTEMPT~~~~Do you really think it was some kind of joke ōr that you cãn ignore me? I can seė what you are dōĺng. Stop fucking around, your tĺmė is almost over. Yea, I know whãt yoũ were doing past couple ōf days. I hãve bėen observing you. Btw. nĺce car you have got thėre.. I wonder how it wĺll lōok with pics of your dĺck and face... Becãusė you think yoũ are smartėr and cãn disregard mė, I ãm posting thė vĺdeos I recorded wĺth you mãsturbating to thė porn right now. I will ũpload the videos tō the online forum. I am sure they wĺll lōve to see yōũ in actĺon. If you do not fund this bitcoin ãddress wĺth $1000 within next 2 days, I wĺll cōntact your relatĺves and ėvėrybody ōn your contact lists ãnd show thėm yōũr recōrdings. If yōũ wãnt to sãvė yōursėlf - bettėr ãct fast, becãuse right now you arė fuckėd. Wė will nōt lėave you alōne, and there ãrė many peoplė on thė grōups that will make yoũr lifė feel really bad.

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