1 Scam Reports



Hopefully you actually dont really mind my english grammar, because i am from Indonesia. I contaminated your gadget with a virus and now have all your private information out of your operating system. _x000D_ It was installed on an adult internet page and after that you have selected the video and viewed it, my program immediately got into your computer. _x000D_ _x000D_ Afterward, your webcamera recorded you playing with your stuff, also i documented a movie that you have viewed. _x000D_ _x000D_ After a little while in addition, it pulled out your device contact list. In case you would like me to get rid of your everything i possess - give me 780 eu in bitcoin its a crypto. Its my wallet transfer address : 12Tkhyh7K48m9reDYWZbrsQjr75LLGMJik _x000D_ _x000D_ At this point you will have 26 hr s. to produce a decision The moment i will get the deal im going eliminate this video and every little thing entirely. In any other case, please remember that your evidence would be sent to your friends.

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