3 Scam Reports

Other Blackmail Scam


It seems that, ****, is your pass word. I need your full attention for the next Twenty-four hrs, or I will make sure you that you live out of embarrassment for the rest of your lifetime. Hi, you dont know me. Yet I know all the things about you. Your fb list, mobile phone contacts plus all the digital activity in your computer from past 152 days. Including, your masturbation video, which brings me to the primary motive....... ..... Buy $2000 in bitcoin and send it to the down below address: 12MtGwsu5bb8KHeMWAjt*E3oBv7qb5GLwDc [CASE sensitive, copy and paste it, and remove * from it].....

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Reported Address
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Saying they have video footage of me going on porn and master bating on the webcam and they want me to pay 2000 dollars or they will send it to everyone on my contacts

Reported Address
Reported Address
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Other Blackmail Scam


Address may appear as 1*2MtGwsu5bb8KHeMWAjtE3oBv7qb5GLwDc.

Reported Address
Reported Address
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