I k?o?, xxxxx, i? your passwor?.
I ?equire your full att??tion for ?he upcomi?g 2? ?ou?s, or I will c?rtai??y ma?e sur? ?o? t?at y?u live out o? shame ?o? the rest of your life span. _x000D_
Hi, you do not k?ow me pe?s?nal??. Y?t I k?ow jus? about everythin? ab?ut you. Your current fb contact list, mobi?e ?hon? ?ontacts as wel? a? all the on?ine a?tiv?ty in ?o?r computer from previo?s 141 days. _x000D_
Consi?ting ?f, y?ur self plea?ure ?ide?, which bri?gs me to ?he main r??so? why I a? writ?n? this e m?il ?o y?u. _x000D_
W?l? ?he p?evious tim? you v?s???d ?he po?? ??te?ial ??line site?, m? spyw?re ended up ?eing ?r?ggere? in your computer system wh?ch ended up sh?o?i?g ? l???ly footage of your mas??r??tion play simpl? by ?rigger?ng y?ur w?b cam. _x000D_
(?o? ?ot ? re??ly o?d preference ?tw h??a) _x000D_
I hav? ?ot the f?ll r??ordi?g. In the case yo? f?el I am mes?ing arou?d, ??st r?ply proof and I will be forwardin? the recordin? random?? to ? peopl? ?ou recogni??. _x000D_
It migh? be your friend, co workers, bo??, parent? (Im not s?re! My s?f?ware wi?? rando?ly pick the contact det?ils). _x000D_
Will y?u be capab?e t? gaze ??to anyo?es ?ye? ?g?in af?er ?t? I que?tio? that... _x000D_
None?he?e??, ?t ?oe?nt need ?o ?e ?ha? route. _x000D_
?m going to mak? you a 1 tim?, non neg?t?a??e off??. _x000D_
?uy US? 3000 in BTC a?d send it ?n t?e d?wn below addr??s:
Address may appear as **12JXSarpx7PSKkJgk4suEn5UNfZv6ycZ**62.