6 Scam Reports

Sextortion Scam


wants 2000 $ in bitcoin, says he is aware of my password and will send pictures of me masturbating Address may appear as 12BXUnGE9MG*oxGSbtSFZ4h4HZa1v4XWpp8.

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Reported Address
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Other Blackmail Scam


Im awareÔªøÔªøÔªøÔªø, X,iÔªøÔªøÔªøs ÔªøyÔªøÔªøoÔªøÔªøuÔªøÔªøÔªøÔªøÔªør pÔªøÔªøÔªøÔªøÔªøÔªøÔªøaÔªøsÔªøÔªøsÔªøÔªøwÔªøoÔªøÔªøÔªørÔªøÔªødÔªøÔªø. i need your full attention for the Upcoming Twenty-four hoursÔªø, or I may make sure you that you live out of shame for the rest of your lifetime .Hello, you do not know me personally. Yet I know all the things concerning you. Your personal Facebook contact list, mobile phone contacts and all the digital activity in your computer from previous 136 days. IncludingÔªø, your masturbation video clips, which brings me to the primary reason why I am composing this mail to you. Well the last time you visited the adult porn web sites, my malware was activated inside your computer which ended up shooting a beautiful video clip of your masturbation play by activating your cam.(you got a incredibly odd preferenice BTW lol) I have the complete recording. In the case Ôªøyou feel I am playing around, simply reply proof and I will be forwarding the masturbation recorÔªøding randomly to 10 people youre friends with. It may end up being your friends, coworkers, boss, parents (Imnot sure! My software program will randomly select the contact details) would you be able to gaze into anyones eyes again after it? I question thÔªøaÔªøtÔªø..Ôªø. Nonetheless, doesnt necessarily have to be that way. I want to make you a 1 time, non negotiable offer Purchase $2000 in bitcoin and send them on the down below address: 12BXUnGE9MGo*xGSbtSFZ4h4HZa1v4XWpp8_x000D_ [CASE SENSITIVE, copy and paste it, and remove * from it]_x000D_ (If you do not know how, google how to buy bitcoins. Do not waste my important time) If you send this donÔªøaÔªøtiÔªøon (we will call this that?). After that, I will go away for good and never ever contact you again.I will remove everything I have concerning you. You may very well continue living your normal day to day lifestyle witÔªøh no concerns. Youve 1 day in order to do so. Your time begin as soon you read this mail. I have an special code tÔªøhat will inform me as soon as you go through this e-mail therefore dont try to play smart.

Reported Address
Reported Address
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Other Blackmail Scam


Gentleman claims to have a inappropriate video of me and threatening to send it to my contacts if i don’t comply by sending $2k in bitcoin.

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Reported Address
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says has video of me, was hacking my webcam. However I dont have a webcam. However had fraction of a password, which I used in the past, however not correctly spelled.

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Reported Address
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Other Blackmail Scam


Claims to have my FacebookÔªø coÔªønÔªøtactÔªø ÔªølÔªøiÔªøst,ÔªøÔªø pÔªøhÔªøone conÔªøtaÔªøcts andÔªø aÔªøÔªøll my Ôªøonline aÔªøcÔªøtiÔªøvity ÔªøÔªøfromÔªøÔªø past 186Ôªø ÔªødÔªøaysÔªø.ÔªøÔªø Says malware has infected my computer and they have accessed my webcam. They will then send an embarrassing video (which doesnt exist) to my contact list if I dont pay them $2000 in bitcoin within 24 hours. Address may appear as 12BXU*nGE9MGoxGSbtSFZ4h4HZa1v4XWpp8 Address may appear as 12BXU*nGE9MGoxGSbtSFZ4h4HZa1v4XWpp8.

Reported Address
Reported Address
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Sextortion Scam


It says it has my password and wants 2000 bitcoins in order to avoid spamming my contacts with porn Address may appear as 12BXUn*GE9MGoxGSbtSFZ4h4HZa1v4XWpp8.

Reported Address
Reported Address
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