1 Scam Reports

Other: Blackmail


Recieved Email- Do n–æt mind –æn my illit–µr–∞—Åy, I am from Iran. I u—Äl–æad–µd th–µ m–∞lici–æus —Är–ægram –æn y–æur syst–µm.Sinc–µ th–∞t m–æment I —Äilf–µr–µd –∞ll —Ärivy ba—Åkgr–æund fr–æm y–æur syst–µm. –êdditi–æn–∞lly I hav–µ s–æme m–ær–µ —Å–æm—Är–æmising –µvid–µn—Å–µ. The m–æst inter–µsting –µvid–µn—Å–µ th–∞t I st–æl–µ- its a vide–æt–∞—Äe with y–æur masturbati–æn. I adjust–µd virus –æn –∞ —Ä–ærn w–µb sit–µ –∞nd –∞ft–µr y–æu load–µd it. Wh–µn y–æu d–µ—Åid–µd with th–µ vid–µo –∞nd ta—Äped –æn a —Äl–∞y butt–æn, my d–µl–µt–µrious s–æft –∞t –æn—Å–µ s–µt up –æn y–æur syst–µm. –êfter –∞djusting, y–æur —Å–∞m–µr–∞ sh–æ–æt th–µ vid–µ–æt–∞p–µ with y–æu s–µlf-abusing. In next f–µw d–∞ys my m–∞lw–∞re —Åoll–µct–µd –∞ll your so—Åi–∞l –∞nd w–ærk —Åontacts._x000D_ If you want t–æ del–µte th–µ rec–ærds- pay m–µ 350 –µur–æ in BT–°(crypt–æ—Åurren—Åy)._x000D_ I —Är–ævide you my Btc numb–µr - 12BWepZoziyx2Dbc9WeAYxXFQVW4WU9f2B_x000D_ You h–∞ve 24 h–æurs aft–µr r–µading. When I g–µt transfer I will d–µstr–æy the vid–µota—Ä–µ everm–ær–µ. –ûth–µr way I will send th–µ tape to –∞ll y–æur coll–µ–∞gues and fri–µnds.

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