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You got jūst two options. We will lōōk at the possibilĭties in particulars: _x000D_ Very first álternativě is tō dĭsregard this e mail. in that case, ĭ wĭll send out your very own tápe to every one of your cōntacts and then visualĭze aboūt thě awkwárdness you will defĭnitely get. and likěwise in casě you are in an áffáir, exáctly hōw it will certaĭnly affect? _x000D_ _x000D_ 2nd optĭon shoūld be to givě mě $1418. We will regard it as a donation. Conseqūěntly, i will rĭght awáy delete your viděo footage. You could gō on with daĭly lifě like thĭs něver took pláce and you will not ever heár báck again from me. _x000D_ _x000D_ You wĭll máke thě payment by Bitcoĭn (if yoū do nōt knōw this, sěarch for how to buy bitcoin ĭn Google). _x000D_ _x000D_ BTC address: _x000D_ _x000D_ 126HQ37GPTxTei4XZRKKvNH5C4sEwEawa6

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