1 Scam Reports

Other: investment scram


I got a call from a person name Pavel Kovalsky, he said he`s from a trading company called intermarketsystem LTD. He explained to me how trading is working and risk is not involved, said only have to pay £100 and I can start making money, so I did. Then Maria called me from the verification department asked me for my ID and to prove my address and bank card details (just the last 4 digits and then I got a confirmation code from my bank and marina asked me for that code). Then Anna from the financial department called me and asked for my card details, number, and CVV code. Pavel asked me to download Anydesk so he can show me everything. A few days later he showed me, we made 113€, then he told me he received an offer from Tesla. The contract cost 5200€, the contract said 100% positive deal and 50-78% income. I could only get 4200€, he said the company will give me a bonus so I can join. Anna called and made the payment again. Then my account was 5400€. He told me I could buy 1BTC need 49000€ so we`re going to see an alliance for that I need a balance of 10.000€, said if I will add 2000€ the rest I’ll get from the company, so I agreed. My balance went to 17166€. I decided to ask for a withdraw. Michail Serov called me said to withdraw I have to make some more deals with an online platform (buy, sell, buy, sell) till the system stops me, so I did. Then he called me that I made a mistake and now my balance is 0. He said I have to pay 2953€ as an additional payment to cover my mistake, so I did. Michale called me and said I have to pay 2000€ to complete the transaction procedure, he said I don`t have to worry all these payments will come back to me with my withdrawal. I had to pay several more times for other payments. Then I realized I have been scammed. Since that, I`m not communicating with them since they keep asking for money from me.

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