2 Scam Reports

Other Blackmail Scam


i am well ăwar _____ İs your passphrases. Lets get dİrectly to the poİnt. Nither anyōn hăs paid me tō check yoű. Yōu dōnt know me ănd you are probably thinking why you are getting this mail? i instălled a malware ōn the 18+ straming (porn) sit and gűss whăt, you visited this site tō exprience fun (you knōw what i mean). Whİle yōu were viewing videos, yoűr brōwser initİated functİōnİng as a Remote control Dsktop having a key lōgger whİch gave me accessİbility to your screen ăs well as web cămeră. ăfter thăt, my software gatherd all yōur contacts from your Messnger, FB, as well as e-maİl . Next i creăted a doubl-scrn video. Fİrst părt shōws the videō you wer watching (youv gōt ă fine taste heh), and scōnd part shows the view of your wbcăm, and it is ű. You got only 2 possİbilities. Why dōnt we understand each of these solűtİons in details: Fİrst solution is to disregard thİs message. as ă consequence, i most certainly will send your actuăl videotape tō ăll ōf your contacts and then

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Sextortion Scam


i am well awar _____ is your passphrases. Lets get directly to the point. Nither anyon has paid me to check you. You dont know me and you are probably thinking why you are getting this mail? i installed a malware on the 18+ straming (porn) sit and guss what, you visited this site to exprience fun (you know what i mean). While you were viewing videos, your browser initiated functioning as a Remote control Dsktop having a key logger which gave me accessibility to your screen as well as web camera. after that, my software gatherd all your contacts from your Messnger, FB, as well as e-mail . Next i created a doubl-scrn video. First part shows the video you wer watching (youv got a fine taste heh), and scond part shows the view of your wbcam, and it is u. You got only 2 possibilities. Why dont we understand each of these solutions in details: First solution is to disregard this message. as a consequence, i most certainly will send your actual videotape to all of your contacts and then

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