I ?now, xxxxx, ?? your pas? ?ord.
I requ?r? yo?r full att?ntion for th? nex? Twenty-four ?our?, or I may ma?e s?re you ?h?t you liv? ?ut o? shame for th? re?t ?f you? life ??an._x000D_
H?, yo? ?ont kn?w m?. But I kno? ?ll ?he things abo?t ?o?. Yo?r present facebook contact ?ist, m?bile phone contacts an? a?l the ?n???e a?ti?ity on your co?pu?er f?om previous 14? day?._x000D_
And t?i? ?nclu??s, your self p?eas?r? vid?o, ?h?ch brin?s ?e to ?he ?rim?ry motive why I ? co?p?s?ng t?is email to you._x000D_
W?l? t?e ?ast ?ime you went ?o the ?dult mater??l websites, my m?lw??e ?as ac?iva??d ?n yo?r pc ?hich en?ed ?p ?ocume?ting ? eye-?atching ?ideo ?f yo?r mas?urbat?on act by activa?ing your ca?._x000D_
(yo? go? a seriously s??a?g? prefer?nce bt? ha?a)_x000D_
I ?a?e g?? the compl??e ?ecord?ng. In the case you feel I m playing aro?nd, si?ply repl? p?o?f an? I ?i?? be f?rwarding the r?cording randomly to 8 peo?l? ?oure ?riends wit?._x000D_
It m??ht be your fri?nds, co worke?s, b?ss, ?ar?nts (Im ?ot sur?! ?y system ???l ?andomly c?oos? th? co?tacts)._x000D_
Wil? y?u be ?apab?? to gaz? into anyone? ?yes again af?er it? I d?ubt that..._x000D_
H?wever, it does?t need to be that pa?h._x000D_
?m goi?g to make you a o?e ti?e, ?on negotiable ?ffer._x000D_
Get $ 3000 in BTC and send them to the listed ?elow a?dress:_x000D_
[CAS?-SENSITIVE, copy and paste i?, and remo?e ** from i?]_x000D_
(If ?ou d? ?ot know ho?, ?o?k onl?ne h?? ?? ??y ?TC. Do n?t waste ?? ?mpo?tant ?i??)_x000D_
If you send out t??s ?o?at?on (wh? don? we call this that?). Imm?di?t?ly after that, I will ?is?ppear ??d ne?er ?v?r ??t in t??ch ?ith y?u ?g?in. I ?ill el??inate ever?t?ing Ive got in rela?io? to yo?. You m?y ?onti?ue living your ordinary da? to day lifest?le with ?ero st?e?s._x000D_
Y?uve 1 d?y in ?rder to ?? ?o. Your ti?e wi?l start ?s soon ??u go thro?gh this e-mail. I have got an ?p?cial ?o?e that will ale?t ?? as s?on a? ?o? rea? t?is e-m?il so do no? try to p??? smart.