1 Scam Reports

Contract Exploit Scam


Claiming to run a arb trading software. Here's their Twitter -> https://twitter.com/mevtechs I sent them 1ETH for the service and funded the contract with .33 ETH and they stole it all from me. MEV is a scam. I funded -> 0x90996d1d1fe911acf6c241367facee9543200ccb and they stole it and sent it to -> 0xAb610D4358Ba14E61b0896DE2b68BC933efE0e5A Then I sent 1 ETH to 0x53EdF2f96596DDD26a06119bb02e55A42C41cABd to pay for the service. Provided images of their emails where they tried to get me to continue to send them more ETH.

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